LoRaWAN Network: Radio Propagation Models and Performance Evaluation in Various Environments in Lebanon (bibtex)
by R. El Chall, S. Lahoud, M. El Helou
Recently, LoRaWAN has emerged as a promising technology for the Internet of things (IoT), owing its ability to support low-power and long-range communications. However, real-world deployment and network optimization require accurate path-loss (PL) modeling, so as to estimate network coverage, performance, and profitability. For that reason, in this work, LoRaWAN radio channel is investigated in the 868 MHz band. Extensive measurement campaigns were carried out in both indoor and outdoor environments at urban and rural locations in Lebanon (Saint Joseph University of Beirut campus, Beirut city, and Bekaa valley). Based on empirical results, PL models are developed for LoRaWAN communications and compared with widely used empirical models.Moreover, the performance and the coverage of LoRaWAN deployment are evaluated based on real measurements. The results show that the proposed PL models are accurate and simple to be applied in Lebanon and other similar locations. Coverage ranges up to 8 km and 45 km were obtained in urban and rural areas, respectively. This reveals the reliability of this promising technology for long-range IoT communications.
LoRaWAN Network: Radio Propagation Models and Performance Evaluation in Various Environments in Lebanon (R. El Chall, S. Lahoud, M. El Helou), In IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019.
Bibtex Entry:
	abstract = {Recently, LoRaWAN has emerged as a promising technology
		  for the Internet of things (IoT), owing its ability to
		  support low-power and long-range communications. However,
		  real-world deployment and network optimization require
		  accurate path-loss (PL) modeling, so as to estimate network
		  coverage, performance, and profitability. For that reason,
		  in this work, LoRaWAN radio channel is investigated in the
		  868 MHz band. Extensive measurement campaigns were carried
		  out in both indoor and outdoor environments at urban and
		  rural locations in Lebanon (Saint Joseph University of
		  Beirut campus, Beirut city, and Bekaa valley). Based on
		  empirical results, PL models are developed for LoRaWAN
		  communications and compared with widely used empirical
		  models.Moreover, the performance and the coverage of
		  LoRaWAN deployment are evaluated based on real
		  measurements. The results show that the proposed PL models
		  are accurate and simple to be applied in Lebanon and other
		  similar locations. Coverage ranges up to 8 km and 45 km
		  were obtained in urban and rural areas, respectively. This
		  reveals the reliability of this promising technology for
		  long-range IoT communications.},
	author = {R. {El Chall} and S. {Lahoud} and M. {El Helou}},
	doi = {10.1109/JIOT.2019.2906838},
	issn = {2327-4662},
	journal = {IEEE Internet of Things Journal},
	keywords = {Internet of Things;Radio propagation;Adaptation models;Mathematical model;Urban areas;Bandwidth;Receivers;LPWAN;IoT;LoRa;LoRaWAN;long range;pathloss model;outdoor;indoor;urban;rural.},
	pages = {1-1},
	pdf = {http://samer.lahoud.fr/pub-pdf/jiot-19.pdf},
	title = {LoRaWAN Network: Radio Propagation Models and Performance Evaluation in Various Environments in Lebanon},
	year = {2019},
	bdsk-url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1109/JIOT.2019.2906838}}
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