Samer Lahoud

Associate Professor

+961 1 421 339
samer [DOT] lahoud [AT] usj [DOT] edu [DOT] lb
Public PGP key D2265AB5 on key servers

I am an Associate Professor at IUT Saint-Malo, University of Rennes 1, and member of ADOPNET team at IRISA research laboratory. My research activities focus on radio resource allocation algorithms for wireless communication networks. I teach courses on various topics related to IP networks.


I received in 2006 a Ph.D. in communication networks from IMT Atlantique, Rennes. After my Ph.D., I spent one year at Nokia Bell Labs, France. Since 2007, I am an Associate ProfessorĀ at the University of Rennes 1 and member of IRISA research laboratory. Between 2016 and 2022, I was an associate professor at the Faculty of Engineering ESIB at Saint Joseph University of Beirut.

Research Topics

My current research topics on wireless networks include:

Selected Publications

Please refer to this page for the full list of my publications.