Samer Lahoud
Associate Professor
samer [DOT] lahoud [AT] usj [DOT] edu [DOT] lb
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I am an Associate Professor at IUT Saint-Malo, University of Rennes 1, and member of ADOPNET team at IRISA research laboratory. My research activities focus on radio resource allocation algorithms for wireless communication networks. I teach courses on various topics related to IP networks.
I received in 2006 a Ph.D. in communication networks from IMT Atlantique, Rennes. After my Ph.D., I spent one year at Nokia Bell Labs, France. Since 2007, I am an Associate ProfessorĀ at the University of Rennes 1 and member of IRISA research laboratory. Between 2016 and 2022, I was an associate professor at the Faculty of Engineering ESIB at Saint Joseph University of Beirut.
Research Topics
My current research topics on wireless networks include:
Wireless access technologies for the Internet of Things
User association and radio access technology selection.
Resource allocation and interference mitigation.
Power control and energy efficiency.
Selected Publications
Please refer to this page for the full list of my publications.
LoRaWAN Network: Radio Propagation Models and Performance Evaluation in Various Environments in Lebanon (R. El Chall, S. Lahoud, M. El Helou), In IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
Energy Efficient Joint Scheduling and Power Control in Multi-Cell Wireless Networks (S. Lahoud, K. Khawam, S. Martin, G. Feng, Z. Liang, J. Nasreddine), In IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, volume 34, 2016. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
Centralized versus decentralized multi-cell resource and power allocation for multiuser OFDMA networks (Mohamad Yassin, Samer Lahoud, Kinda Khawam, Marc Ibrahim, Dany Mezher, Bernard Cousin), In Computer Communications, volume 107, 2017. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
A Network-Assisted Approach for RAT Selection in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks (Melhem El Helou, Marc Ibrahim, Samer Lahoud, Kinda Khawam, Dany Mezher, Bernard Cousin), In IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Special Issue on Recent Advances in Heterogenous Cellular Networks (JSAC), volume 33, 2015. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
Optimization models for the joint Power-Delay minimization problem in green wireless access networks (Farah Moety, Samer Lahoud, Bernard Cousin, Kinda Khawam), In Computer Networks, volume 92, Part 1, 2015. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]